The holistic path to healing

For more than 40 years, in lectures, seminars, week-long adventure retreats, my many books in particular, and lately, also via social media, I have had the opportunity to spread my thoughts about the principles that make up our life and thus also our health.
"My medicine" is psychosomatic in nature. By that, I mean that it includes both the soul and the body – in that order. Additionally, it is holistic, with a complementary focus, or to put it another way – it aims to fill in the missing pieces. This is because I am convinced that "healing" in the original sense of the word means "becoming whole", and that, in keeping with this, holistic medicine naturally also includes conventional medicine.
It is my goal to view the whole human being - within the polarity of his or her shadow aspects and virtues. Even if we do not really want to take a closer look at the former, and prefer to only see our good sides instead, the effect of the former still unfolds within us. At the same time, our shadow is actually our own personal treasure chest, because all of our problems and symptoms stem from it. The treasures contained in this chest need to be unearthed and integrated into life in an honest way. And by taking an honest and open view of this opposite pole, the whole of life, the whole person, becomes visible and recognizable.
In my "Integral Medicine" approach, both of these aspects are to be found. Furthermore, the approach includes culture and nature, spanning from myths and fairy tales to the remedies of Mother Nature. Both the endowments and the gifts from the Yin and Yang sides of life, the four elements and the 12 main principles of life are what make up life as a whole. "Integral Medicine" requires opening up our hearts and minds to everything – really absolutely everything – that happens to us and around us. In doing so, life no longer plays out in black or white, but instead between the poles, in all colours, possibilities and opportunities.
The overall goal is to live a fulfilled life, marked by constant growth and development, in which we discover our talents, and with these, also the gifts that we are happy to give in order to unfold our full potential and be a blessing for all of humanity.

Fasting is a great gift to oneself that can be given so easily. Those who have experienced the freedom of not having to eat at all for a time, generally discover that it is an experience that they definitely glad not to have missed.

Countless life experiences, innumerable patient case histories and the chance to accompany so many people along their individual development path have all played a role in ripening the insights which Ruediger Dahlke would like to pass on to others.
Building upon the philosophy of the Laws of Fate, the Shadow Principle and the basic principles that underlie all of life(*), these insights first found a useful extension in the field of psychosomatics, as described in his books "The Healing Power of Illness" and "Disease as a Symbol" among others. Nowadays, they form the basis for important health-related topics, such as the nutritional science behind the wholefood, plant-based “Peace Food” diet, which first set the vegan wave in motion, all the way up to the benefits of regular fasting.
Translated into 28 languages, his books are contributing to developing the field of contagious good health.
(*)These concepts are all described in detail in three of Ruediger Dahlke’s most important and foundational works – "Die Schicksalsgesetze", "Das Schattenprinzip" and "Die Lebensprinzipien". Currently, however, these are only available in German and a selection of other languages, which can be viewed on the website in the section on International Editions.
Presentations that inspire and take people a step further have led to speaking invitations in many countries. In delivering a strong message and consciously tackling the hot topics, they actively promote personal development and personal responsibility.
Combining spirituality with medicine, the presentations deal with the deeper questions of life in a gripping, moving and yet still humorous way. The tone is always respectful, but carries the clear advice that we are the captain of our own life ship. In this respect, the presentations can help people to move forward and can take on a piloting function for anyone stuck in murky waters in life.

Take time to immerse yourself in new worlds of thought, which give you (back) direction and meaning to life. Discover (life) philosophy as a love of truth, experience meditations that touch you deeply, try out (short-term) fasting in a group, finally have enough time to ask questions, learn to put valuable advice that promotes good health into practice – for example, directly in TamanGa, in the southern Styrian region of Austria, where Ruediger's life-long dream of an ideal centre for development and growth has finally been realised, or at many other specially-selected seminar locations in the region and abroad.
Or take advantage of online access to Ruediger's world of knowledge, regardless of your location.